Ok, all I am new to PHP & MySQL. (please don't let this scare you off)

I had my site hosted with Gisol.com and due to their very poor service and 
tech support I left them for Lunarpages.com who so far have a better service 
and their tech support is excellent!! But my pages won't pass variables any 

When I started I purchased two books MySQL and PHP & MySQL both published by 
O'Riely. So far the are excellent help and instructors. I wote some pages 
where I track users and their characters from an on-line game called World 
of Warcraft.

On the Gisol server they were working EXCELLENT!!

Once I moved to Lunarpages, the pages load ok but they don't pass the 
variables from one page to another.

The below code queries the db and list's the user's in a table, and has a 
hyperlink to the right of each, on Gisol I could click the link and it would 
load the view_char.php page and it listed their character and the info i 
needed, and gave options to delete and edit. Again it was working 

$sql="SELECT f_name, l_name, char_id, char_name, char_level FROM t_char, 
t_users where t_users.user_id = t_char.user_link ORDER BY char_name ASC";
$result = mysql_query($sql,$db);
echo "<TABLE border=2>";
echo"<TR><TD><B>Character Name</B><TD><B>Character 
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "<TD><A href=\"view_char.php?charid=".$myrow["char_id"]."\">View</A>";
//$charid="[.$myrow["char_id"].]"; <----- I tried this line with no success. 
Possibly have it in the wrong place??

$sql = "SELECT * FROM `t_char` WHERE `t_char`.`char_id` = '$charid'"; <--  
now all this does is produce a blank page... used to work great!
//$sql = "SELECT * FROM `t_char` WHERE `t_char`.`char_id` = '21'"; <----- i 
used this code to test the page w/o the $charid string and it works FINE!!
$result=mysql_query( $sql );
if (!$result)
die("Could not query the database: <br />".mysql_error());

I wrote a help ticket to Lunarpages where I am now hosted and asked them to 
set the register_globals to ON thinking this was the problem based on what 
I've read and the wrote back and told me that they use suPHP to parse php 
files and I have the option of using custom php.ini files. That I could 
create a .htaccess file or put individual php.ini files in the folder that 
contains the files im running. In other words do it myself.

So I created this file:


register_globals = on

named it php.ini and dropped it in the folder with all of my files.

It didn't help any.

So I added this line to the first file
include ('php.ini');

all it does is add :[PHP] register_globals = on  as text at the top of my 
page now.

At this point im lost!! I don't know what to do to get my A 
href=\"view_char.php?charid=".$myrow["char_id"]." to equal $charid in the 
following pages.

Any help you could provide me would GREATLY be APPRECIATED!!!

I'm trying 

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