On Mon, March 19, 2007 12:46 pm, Manuel Vacelet wrote:
> I would like to know if there is some common patterns to "out source"
> the files served by a LAMP stack.
> Technicaly speaking I would like to store my files (application data)
> on another machine than the one that runs my PHP app. (as I already do
> with MySql).
> The best would be to use a secure connexion between my app. server and
> the storage one (communication can be tunneled in SSH though).

For a media rich site, it's super common to move the images (or other
large-size files) off to a different server, with the hard drives and
OS tuned for large files.  (Or for small files, if they are, say,
email bodies or somesuch.)

This works especially well for content that is acquired by the visitor
through a separate HTTP request anyway.

What sort of application data are you looking at, though?...

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