Robert Cummings wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 10:47 -0500, Myron Turner wrote:
>> Jonathan Kahan wrote:
>> I've been following this thread on and off, because I found the 
>> unnecessarily hostile tone of the initial response so off-putting.  But 
>> while this rather small infraction of OT code, which can in fact be 
>> defended, had been taking place, at the same time on this list an 
>> ongoing, extensive discussion of the relative merits of various 
>> databases has been going on and yet no one has said a word.  My guess is 
>> that Jonathan, as new to the list, was being selectively picked on, 
>> while the guardians of the list looked the other way with respect to the 
>> other thread because some of the people involved there are long time, 
>> valuable contributors, with lots of weapons at their disposal.  I could 
>> be wrong, of course. But I'm certainly not wrong to believe that the 
>> remedy for a foul mouth is soap and water.
> I'm sorry, but your rant is off topic. Please find another list for it.

I would have made a similar comment - but I have soap stuck between my teeth 
atm :-P

> ;) :B
> Cheers,
> Rob.

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