Well chmod is certainly not doing anything. I tried that to begin with. I
don't get an error, but it doesn't change any permissions. Just doesn't do
anything to the permissions of the file/folder. Like it's just ignored.

I did it as root using sudo.

On 3/22/07 12:18 PM, "Tijnema !" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 3/22/07, Rahul Sitaram Johari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ave,
>> "Or make sure the user apache runs on has write access to the share."
>> That's the problem I'm facing. I'm not sure how to do that. If I'm not
>> mistaken, Apache runs as user "nobody" on my Mac, but I don't know how to
>> give that user write access on the Windows Machine.
>> Yes, it is quite complicated :(
> I believe this has nothing to do with your windows machine, but with
> the mount on your Mac. I'm not very familiar with Mac OS X (Although i
> have installed it) I know it's based on a linux kernel, and uses same
> mount tools. I think a simple chmod 777 to the mount folder would do
> the job.
> so if you have it mounted at /Share
> chmod 777 /Share
> I believe that windows mounts everything with chmod value 777, so that
> shouldn't be a problem.
> Tijnema
>>> On 3/22/07, Rahul Sitaram Johari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Ave,
>>>> I¹m not sure if anyone here is going to be able to help, but I¹ve run into
>>>> a
>>>> permissions snag.
>>>> I have Apache Web Server running on Mac OS X with PHP. I have a folder on a
>>>> windows machine mounted on my Mac OS X as a share using the ³mount ­t smbfs
>>>> //[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ShareName Share².
>>>> The ³user² has full read-write permission and physically I¹m able to do
>>>> anything I want sitting on my Mac OS X in this share, like create, delete
>>>> or
>>>> modify files.
>>>> The problem is, I don¹t think Apache Web Server (or PHP) has write access
>>>> on
>>>> this share. In PHP, I¹m able to read data from files on this share, but I¹m
>>>> not able to write  data to any file on that share. I get access is denied.
>>>> Is there anyway through PHP to give Apache or PHP write access to the files
>>>> on this share?
>>>> I don¹t see how I can provide Apache Web Server (installed on my Mac) Write
>>>> Access through the Windows System that has the original folder. Windows is
>>>> only able to provide the Mac User with Permissions, not Apache.
>>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>>> Thanks
>>> You could chmod the whole share to 777 but that might give problems!
>>> Or make sure the user apache runs on has write access to the share.
>>> But normal each file is set with permission 755, means that only the
>>> owner can write to it.
>>> I'm not able to give a real fix right now, but it is quite complicated :(
>>> Tijnema
>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> Rahul Sitaram Johari
>>>> CEO, Twenty Four Seventy Nine Inc.
>>>> W: http://www.rahulsjohari.com
>>>> ³I morti non sono piu soli ... The dead are no longer lonely²
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