I built a CMS that lets a super user create and manage basic users
(among lots of other things). I want basic users to get an FTP account
that is automatically associated with their website user account, and
managed from my add/edit user form. For example if I create a user
named [EMAIL PROTECTED] for him to login to my web app, I want my
users to be able to use their same login name and password to access
their web folder via FTP.

I am running on LAMP on a CPanel server with ProFTP as the FTP server
software, but I have no clue how to get PHP to be able to create,
edit, or delete an FTP account. Can someone point me in the right

I can see the Form field names and URLs in the CPanel forms where this
is set up, but is it safe to CURL these same URLs from my app? That
seems like a big security risk.


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