Jake McHenry wrote:
> Like I said... Even if they have sound turned on.. Which all my sets do...
> Most of them don't have speakers... That was put into effect over a year ago
> due to some people listening to those damn screaming prank things at full
> volume...

and didn'tr we all have a fun with those :-/

> Anyways... 

indeed ...

> I was searching the php site, and it said there used to
> be a bug that looks somewhat similar to my problem, but it said it was fixed
> long ago... Not sure if this is even close to it or not, but this is the
> first time I've run into a sessions problem.....

you don't have a session problem and your not looking at a bug either.
you have a PEBKAC/logic problem with regard to storage/retrieval of the
security code.

> Just to simplify...
> I have this on index.php
> <?php
> session_start();
> $before = $_SESSION['code'];
> echo '<img src=image.php>';
> $after = $_SESSION['code'];
> echo $before .' ' . $after;
> ?>

$before and $after are always going to be the same because image.php
is not being run in the line "echo '<img src=image.php>';"

imagine 3 files and note that in this psuedo solution the
image is *not* generated in the file that outputs it but rather in the file
that outputs and processes the form:

        seccode.inc.php <-- some security code functions
        secform.php     <-- output the form and processes it's own 'POST'
        secimage.php    <-- outputs the relevant/current 'security image' for 

the psuedo contents of these 2 files should be something *like* this:

-------------- 8< ------------------

function genSecCodeInfo()
        // generate a random wotsit
        $code = rand();

        $imgloc = "/path/to/sec/images/{$code}.jpg";
        /* create an image! */  
        /* save the image to $imgloc */

        $_SESSION['seccodeinfo'] = array(
                'code'  => $code,
                'imgloc'=> $imgloc,

function getCurSecCodeInfo()
        if (isset($_SESSION['seccodeinfo']))
                return $_SESSION['seccodeinfo'];

        return null;

-------------- 8< ------------------


if (!empty($_POST) && ($info = getCurSecCodeInfo())) {
        if ($_POST['seccode'] == $info['code']) {
                echo 'good dog!';
        } else {
                echo 'try again mutt.';

// create/refresh the security code info & image

echo '
        <form action="" method="post">
        <image src="/secimage.php" alt="you are blind and we didn't bother to 
make this accessible" />
        <input type="text" name="seccode" />
        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="GO" />

-------------- 8< ------------------


if ($info = getCurSecCodeInfo()) {
        /* output all the required headers, etc */
} else {
        // there is no spoon (I mean image)
        // so an error image or something

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