At 6:57 PM +0200 3/27/07, Tijnema ! wrote:
  As us USA types are told, we all have to adapt to global conventions.

... which presumably explains why the (US-owned)
company my wife works for has email addresses in
Would you be equally confused by these?

I'm easily confused anyway. If people want to
call me sperling instead of tedd (it's better
than other things I've been called) it doesn't
make any difference to me and I wasn't the one
complaining anyway.

If a US company wants to use
[EMAIL PROTECTED], then as we all
know, management is always right -- so let's all
change to that.  Except for the companies that do
it the other way -- ah, there I go being confused
again. There's just no getting around it. Why
can't we all just agree?

Fortunately, I have other things to worry about.  :-)



What's against using a codename? My real name isn't tijnema, i use it
as a codename. It's only a forename. So it's just nearly impossible to
call me wrong :)


That's not your real name!?!

Here all this time I thought you were some exotic programmer with all these leading-edge comments you make -- and now you just burst my bubble.

As for me using a code name -- that would only confuse me further and I'd probably starting answering my own questions. Can't have that.

I've used the same email address since 1994 and published it widely on numerous email list, web sites and other such publications -- it servers me well. I use an it does a good job of filtering spam.

I would hate to start getting email under another address -- like teddsperling at




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