!!!!  So I was dancing all around it by trying !== and =   but did not try
!=  /???  UGH!

On 3/27/07, Tijnema ! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/27/07, Dan Shirah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, I thought this was VERY simple, but I cannot wrap my mind around
> I am doing wrong.
> echo $_POST['max_id'];  *The echo returns the correct result
> *if($_POST['max_id'] ='') {  *This is suppose to run the below query if
> $_POST['max_id'] is not blank*
> $max_id = $_POST['max_id'];  *Sets my POST value to a variable*
> $info = "SELECT * FROM payment_request WHERE id = '$max_id'"; *Selects
> record from my database by the matching ID's*
> $result_info = mssql_query($info) or die(mssql_error());  *Puts the
> results into a variable*
> $row_info = ifx_fetch_row($result_info);  *Makes a row in an array for
> the returned fields from my query*
> $my_info = $row_info['my_value'];
> <input type="Text" value="<?php echo $my_info; ?>" size="20"
> name="my_value">  *However, this box returns no data.*
> I should be using if($_POST['max_id'] ='') {   and
> !=='') {     correct?  Since it is a comparative function just the =
> be correct

You're wrong, = means you want to give the variable on the left the
value on the right.
This if you're using now will always return true (atleast if you don't
have very buggy server). And your $_POST['max_id'] will; have the
value ''

Use != :)


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