On 3/30/07, Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rahul Sitaram Johari wrote:
> Ave,
> This is actually a continuation of my previous ³Show files using Wildcards²
> thread, but a different problem.
> Code:
>     <?php
>     exec("find /Users/rjohari/Documents/XFER/espi -type f -name
> ".$row['PHONE']."*.vox", $files);
>     foreach ($files as $value) {
>     echo "<font face=arial size=1><a
> href='/Users/rjohari/Documents/XFER/osm/ESPI/".basename($value)."'>".basenam
> e($value)."</a></font><BR>";
>     }
>     ?>

why are you using exec() to run 'find'??? what is wrong with glob()?

He asked a way to do what he wanted in the thread "Show files using
Wildcards", There somebody came up with the idea using find.


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