Tim wrote:
>  > > > > >
>>>>>> I think you want to use sessions for this :)
>>>>> Ok, i can put the data in the session variable, but i can
>>>> only get the
>>>>> "current" state through javascript
>>>>> ie:onsubmit="getstate()"; which would get the id's of the
>>>> blocks that
>>>>> are set to display:block;
>>>>> But in getstate() how do i pass that to php to set that
>>>> session variable?
>>>> You could use AJAX to get things from/to PHP, but why should you? 
>>>> You can use session within javascript too i believe.
>>> Hmm javascript setting server-side session data??
>>> Sounds weird, but i'll look into it..
>> server-side session data? i never heard of server-side sessions...
>> AFAIK they are send in the HTTP headers from and to the server.
>> Cookies are nearly the same as sessions, i found this article (with
>> examples) that goes about parsing cookies from javascript. So 
>> you could also do it with cookies.
>> http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/cookie2.shtml
> Ermmm...
> Isn't $_SESSION a superglobal available only during script execution?
> Yes it sets a session_id in a cookie to which is sent to the server to
> identifie the client, but to my knowledge $_SESSION['my_var'] = 'some_data';
> is stored server side and set only through a server side script...
> Now storing data in cookies is client-side, that i agree.. 
> Am i confused or are you confusing me? :P
>>>>>> Tijnema
>>>>>> ps. Maybe you could also use AJAX instead of submitting forms 
>>>>>> the whole time.
>>>>> In the next version of my framework i would like to, i still 
>>>>> havent quite understood the whole concept, not enough research
>>>> yet, but yes
>>>>> i'll be doing that next ;) (you know deadlines, can't sit
>>>> and read docs all day etc..
>>>>> Although i'd rather!)
>>>>> ;)
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Tim
>>>> Really, it's not that hard to use AJAX. You might want to look at 
>>>> www.tizag.com, there it is really easy explained.
>>>> It's nothing more then making new request to scripts inside 
>>>> javascript.
>>>  Nice tutorial thanks for that, i'll look it up, maybe 
>> intergrate it 
>>> right away, would really make my day if i could :))
>>> Regards,
>>> Tim
>> It's not too hard, but if you already did a lot of work on 
>> the form processing, you prefer not to write it all over 
>> again i think ;)
> Wrote a class to do the form validation, so i could always make a .php that
> runs the form data through the validator and sends back the response.. In
> xml i think it has to be?

the response doesn't have to be in any particular form ... ofcourse the X in 
refers to XML but it's not obligatory .... in the end your just spitting out
a big long string and your clientside code can do with it whatever it wants.

personally I prefer JSON formatted data, for which there are even a couple of
functions available in newer versions of php (otherwise you can find code on 
the net
easily enough to handle JSON data creation/parsing):


> Regards,
> Tim

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