Chris Boget wrote:
>> But this is a much better way of doing this than using eval().  eval
> is an evil little function!
> eval() isn't so bad if you have absolute, total and complete control
> over the data you are pulling or using. 

it remains bad if there is another way to do the same thing. eval() is the
matchete you use as the last resort when your backed into the corner by a group
of hungry zombies ... unless you have a zombie problem keep your machete 
holstered ;-)

having absolute, total and complete control over the input to eval() is the
entry price for even thinking of using it.

ok this is slight scare mongering but the fact remains: eval() is capable of
causing you serious damage and it's also comparitively slow!

> But once someone else becomes
> involved (particularly the front end user), you are probably better off
> looking at alternatives.
> thnx,
> Chris

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