On Thu, March 29, 2007 6:46 pm, TG wrote:
> On Thu, March 29, 2007 3:45 pm, Tijnema ! wrote:
>> You're maybe on the right path, adding images as the background
>> makes
>> it really hard to read the code from the image. You could for
>> example
>> use random images as background.
> Some of the CAPTCHA methods listed as being difficult for the PWNtcha
> guys
> to break involved using a variety of colorful backgrounds and other
> strong
> mutations.  The stronger the mutation and harder for a machine to
> read,
> tended to also mean that humans had a harder time reading it as well.
> The
> idea is to break the pattern enough to make it difficult on machines,
> but
> easy on people.  But then we fall into the same old conundrum of
> better
> security versus a system that's more
> difficult/cumbersome/tedious/annoying
> to the user.  As always, we have to find a balance between "good
> enough"
> and "easy enough".

I think we are at the point in image/voice recognition that if you're
at the stage where you are fighting against somebody trying to crack
the CAPTCHA at that level, the difficulty for human versus computer is
such a THIN line, that you might as well just give up.

Truly, it is simply NOT that difficult to write something to crack a
CAPTCHA at rates close to human error margin.

This has been demonstrated for MOST of the CAPTCHAs out there.

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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