Bagus Nugroho wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to install PECL package as install PEAR package, but there's error 
> as :
> -----------
> C:\PHP>pear install http://localhost/pear/APC-3.0.13.tgz 
> <http://localhost/pear/APC-3.0.13.tgz> 
> downloading APC-3.0.13.tgz ...
> Starting to download APC-3.0.13.tgz (105,042 bytes)
> ........................done: 105,042 bytes
> 40 source files, building
> ERROR: The DSP APC.dsp does not exist.
> --------
> Is my install method wrong?

you downloaded the APC src for *nix rather than windows,
in fact I don't think there areready to roll PECL src packages
(at least not for APC).

did you read this page? :

did you find this link:

> Or it was PECL install is different with PEAR install

IIRC 'pear install' is simply a wrapper for 'pecl install'
as far as pecl packages are concerned.

> Thanks in advance
> bn

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