2007/4/4, James Tu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I've cross posted this to the MySQL list...

Here's my original post.

> Is there some quick way to do the following in MySQL?  (I know I
> can use PHP to search through the result set, but I wanted to see
> if there's a quick way using some sort of query)
> Let's say I know that Joe is from Maine.
> I want to do a query of all employees from Maine, ordered by hiring
> date, and figure out where Joe falls in that list. (i.e. which
> record number is he?)
> -James

Here's my new plan of attack...

Right now I'm trying to use PHP to do a binary search on the result
set so I don't have to traverse the entire result set.

I'm using PHP's mysql_data_seek() to move the pointer within the
result set and looking at the data to do the necessary comparisons.

What do people think of this approach?


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There is a previous thread in this list regarding the same topic:


This is the solution I've used for this kind of problems, and posted as a
response to that thread:


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