Travis Doherty wrote:
What about the argument that PHP4 is dead. It's done. It's over. There is no reason anyone should be using it, less perhaps a lack of
time to tweak scripts for an upgrade from 4 to 5.  Even if that is the
case, get to work :p

"Support for PHP 4 will be dropped at the end of the year, 8 months from
now. So now is the time to start upgrading all your scripts as we won't
be releasing new versions after December 31st, 2007."

Travis Doherty

This is fine, as long as the newer versions are backwardly compatible. If , in particular, if the next version or version 6 does not support the PHP 4 object oriented model, it could present real problems for some software. PHP isn't used only for "scripts" but for large projects. For example, I just began to configure a DokuWicki installation, writing code for various features which are not included in the install. DokuWicki uses the PHP 4 object oriented model throughout, and user plugins, such as mine, are written to the same model. DokuWicki contains over 300 php files and more than 3 megs of code. It would be no small task to convert such a project over to the PHP 5 OO model.

Myron Turner

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