Davi wrote:
> Em Domingo 08 Abril 2007 18:37, Jochem Maas escreveu:
>> unless you are a payment gateway or a bank don't touch credit card numbers.
>> there are plenty of threads in the archive of this list that give good
>> reasons not to e.g. being sued out of existence.
>> get a payment provider and let them handle the transaction automatically,
>> the site admin could be given a system whereby he/she can fire off email to
>> customers that give them a url to (and instruct them to) complete a
>> payment at your choose payment provider if a manual check needs to occur
>> before a payment is initiated.
>> storing CC numbers on your machine is rather like walking around carrying
>> hot coals ... sooner or later you will be burned.
> So... What about PayPal or another similar service?? =]


a, your not paypal or F2B.
b, they are both payment providers.

> Here, on Brazil, I'm using PayPal [1] and F2B [2].
> It's better than assume the riscs... =]
> []s
> [1] - www.paypal.com
> [2] - www.f2b.com.br

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