On Wed, April 11, 2007 5:12 pm, LuKreme wrote:
> On 11-Apr-2007, at 13:06, Chris Lott wrote:
>> I completely recognize that the practical effects of the differences
>> are small, but the learning effects of the inconsistencies is much
>> larger, particularly with a group of students that are not techies,
>> not geeks, not computer science or IT students...
> Well, non-techie non-geeks are going to get very little out of
> learning to code php and are likely going to end up writing crap code
> with loverly security holes that bring ebservers to their knees and
> propagate millions of spam emails.  Walk before you run, and all
> that.  PHP is not a good choice as a 'learning' language precisely
> because it is so flexible.
> Much better to teach a much more rigid and concise language like obj-
> c or c++ if you want to teach programming to tyros.  Heck, even perl.

I would disagree with this statement...

First of all, if you're not teaching good coding practices, and
pointing out security issues as you go, then you might as well not
teach at all.

Secondly, PHP is ideally-suited as a first language because something
reasonably useful, with reasonalbe security for the problem-space, can
be coded and understood by just about anybody.

Nothing loses more potential good programmers faster than the tedium
of compling C or the vagaries of Perl "syntax"


Someday I'll retire and teach PHP...

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I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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