To set the record straight for both camps, in the web apps that come to me
I simply do the PHP, javascript, etc.  The files come to me already
PhotoShopped and Dreamweavvvved.

I tell them the fields I need, giving them a general pencil sketch of the
login or edit page, etc. as I see it.

They are good at what they do and at the same time actually afraid of the
coding, as PHP is too flexible for their ordered minds.

So their it is.  I am a man with feet in both worlds.  Am I happy with
this situation? Why not, everything is changing all the time and I have to
be ready to embrace the next shift in technology when it comes.  Maybe
we'll all be using PC's like Dick Tracy did with the wrist watch computer
from the comic strips when I was a kid.  Oh boy, now I've told my old age
to all.  So be it.


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