having decided to attempt to write a visual merge/edit/translate tool for 'old 
php lang files (see previous thread I started) I have got to a stage where I 
can reliably
extract 'keys' and 'values' from multi-dimensional tokenized arrays regardless 
of the
complexity of the key or value definitions (displaying the complex values is 
another problem :-)

in the mean time I now have a situation where I could have an array 'key' that 
is made up of
of the following tokens:

        1. 'foo'
        2. .
        3. MY_CNST

when a form is submitted I'm going to have to find a way to track down that 
string of
tokens from a concatenated version of those tokens ... I have noticed that I 
can pass the
concatenated tokens (prefixed with '<?') to token_get_all() and retrieve the
individuals tokens back ... very handy.

in fact it seems that you can pass just about any kind of crap into 
prefixed with '<?', and token_get_all() will return an array of tokens ... 
there seems
to be no obligation to pass in anything that even resembles valid code.

AND NOW FOR THE QUESTION... does anyone know if I can rely on token_get_all() 
anything and everything that is thrown at it?

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