a) I don't see how the part about the "dot notation" has anything to
do with the class presetned

b) I don't see any benefit to the class presented

c) Trying to follow the chain of -> operators and method calls just
gave me a headache.

Other than that, it's really nifty. :-v

On Thu, April 12, 2007 1:22 am, Jim Lucas wrote:
> Ok, I have seen many different examples of OOP, but nothing quite like
> this.
> Someone was showing me syntax for Ruby the other day, and it got me
> thinking, wouldn't it be neat to
> imitate ruby, or be it a little more generic, dot notation for OOP
> ways of calling methods like
> Java, javascript, ruby and others.  So I came up with this.
> Seems to work in PHP5, but chokes in PHP4.
> I would like input on this setup for calling methods.
> <plaintext><?php
> class myString {
>       private $value = '';
>       function __construct() {
>       }
>       function in($str=null) {
>               if ( is_null($str) ) {
>                       echo "A string wasn't given.";
>                       exit;
>               }
>               $this->value = $str;
>               $this->setProperties();
>               return $this;
>       }
>       function out() {
>               echo $this->value;
>       }
>       function get() {
>               return $this->value;
>       }
>       function append($a) {
>               $this->value = $this->value.$a;
>               $this->setProperties();
>               return $this;
>       }
>       function prepend($a) {
>               $this->value = $a.$this->value;
>               $this->setProperties();
>               return $this;
>       }
>       function regex_replace($from, $to) {
>               $this->value = preg_replace("!{$from}!", $to, $this->value);
>               $this->setProperties();
>               return $this;
>       }
>       function setProperties() {
>               $this->str_length = strlen($this->value);
>               return $this;
>       }
>       function length() {
>               return $this->str_length;
>       }
> }
> $str = new myString;
> echo $str->in("Starting String!")->prepend("Second
> String!")->regex_replace(' ', '_')->get();
> echo $str->length();
> $str->in("A new string")->out();
> ?>
> Has anybody else seen this style of syntax?
> Have they used this style of syntax?
> If so, what is your opinion of this style?
> Jim
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I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
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