At 3:17 AM -0400 4/13/07, Robert Cummings wrote:
Dear Tedd,

Please put me down for one pint of asshole, because while you sit on
that glass pedestal of CSS superiority I can't help but notice how looks completely fucked up in Opera. Opera I
might add is ACID2 compliant. Now please go shove your "better than thou
CSS up your ass" :) Trust me, I am at least as versed as you in CSS and
choose to use tables.


Dear Rob:

It's not a question of "CSS superiority" -- but rather a matter of best practice. You want to use a screw driver to drive a nail, then fine -- but some of us do know better.

You pointed out that my was not appearing as it should and you were right. I had made some minor changes and did not check Opera. However, the fix was a single line of code and it took me less than a minute to find it -- try that with tables.

I'm not saying any of this because of any "better than thou" attitude, but rather because it's true. If you don't want to consider what I have to say, then fine, no skin off my nose.

But I do know this, I listen to what you have to say about php because you know what you're talking about. But in this case, my friend, we differ greatly. You want to stick with tables then fine, but if you are as well versed as I am in CSS, then you know that using tables for layout is more costly in overall development, maintenance, sales, and accessibility. To me and my clients, those things matter.

Concepts like separating content from presentation, graceful degradation and progressive enhancement are not just phrases one imagined so they could sit on a glass pedestal and look down on everyone else. They are practices that work and are far more reaching than WYSIWYG table layouts.



PS: Meant, or not, no offense taken -- I do enjoy your colorful manner. :-)

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