Robert Cummings wrote:
On Mon, 2007-04-16 at 09:27 -0700, Jim Lucas wrote:
Stut wrote:
Jim Lucas wrote:
Richard Kurth wrote:
What do you do when isset does not work? If I send data in a
$_REQUEST['var'] like if (isset($_REQUEST['var'])) {
Put var has no data it still says it is set. Because $_REQUEST['var'] = ""
and isset thinks "" is set

I use this combination a lot:

if ( isset($_GET['something']) && !empty($_GET['something']) ) {
    // do something here with $_GET['something']
The isset is a pointless waste of cycles.


well, as the OP said, he wants to know when the variable has a value other the 

So, to check for that you have to do something like this right?

        if ( $var != '' ) {}
        if ( strlen($var) > 0 ) {}
        if ( !empty($var) ) {}
        ... a number of other ideas come to mind, but

none of them will work, because they will always product a E_NOTICE warning.

You COULD always use empty() prefixed with an @ to quiet the E_NOTICE,

Stut wouldn't do that... especially not after calling isset() a waste of
cycles. using the @ to suppress warnings/errors still invokes the error
system, and that includes any error handler you've custom hooked.

Maybe Stut just writes bad code ;) ;)

I wouldn't say bad code, but I might say exceptionally noisy code  :P


Jim Lucas

Different eyes see different things. Different hearts beat on different strings. But there are times for you and me when all such things agree.

- Rush

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