Afan Pasalic wrote:
this one I can't figure out:

I have to assign value of an array to variable named after key of the
array several times in my project to , e.g. after I submit a form with
personal info I have
$_POST['name'] = 'john doe';
$_POST['address'] = '123 main st.';
$_POST['city'] = 'urbandale';
$_POST['zip'] = '12345';
$_POST['phone'] = '123-456-7980';

Then I assign value to the var name:
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
    ${$key} = $value;
and then validate submitted.

Though, to avoid writing all over again the same lines (even it's only 3
lines) I was thinking to create a function something like:

function value2var($array, $print=0)
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
        ${$key} = $value;
        echo ($print ==1) ? $key.': '.$value.'<br>';     // to test
results and seeing array variables and values

value2var($_POST, 1);

but, I don't know how to get info from function back to script?!?!?

any help appreciated.


well, I would do something like this.

function value2var($in, $wanted=array(), $print=false) {
        if ( ! is_array($wanted) ) {
                $tmp = array($wanted);
        } else {
                if ( count($wanted) > 0 ) {
                        $tmp = $wanted;
                } else {
                        $tmp = array_keys($in);
        $myArr = array();
        foreach ($tmp as $key) {
                if ( isset($in[$key]) && !empty($in[$key]) ) {
                        $value = validate_data($in[$key], $key);
                        $value = '';
                $myArr[$key] = $value;
                // to test results and seeing array variables and values
                if ( $print )
                        echo $key.': "'.$value.'"<br>';
        return $myArr;

// Say $_POST looked like this
$_POST['first_name'] = 'John';
$_POST['last_name'] = 'Doe';
$_POST['address1'] = '123 Someplace Dr.';
$_POST['something_else'] = 'Some Value';

$wanted = array('first_name', 'last_name', 'address1');

extract(value2var($_POST, $wanted, TRUE), EXTR_SKIP, 'CLEAN');

//  The EXTR_SKIP option will force extract not to create the variable if it 
already exists.
//  Check out for other options that could replace 

//  After running the above line, you should end of with the variables that 

echo $CLEAN_first_name;  // This should echo John
echo $CLEAN_last_name;  // This should echo Doe
echo $CLEAN_address1;  // This should echo 123 Someplace Dr.

// and the something_else variable will not have been created as $CLEAN_something_else, because it did not exist in the $wanted array


Jim Lucas

Different eyes see different things. Different hearts beat on different strings. But there are times for you and me when all such things agree.

- Rush

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