On Sun, April 15, 2007 2:20 pm, Otto Wyss wrote:
> I want to sort directories according there modification time and
> thought
> accociative arrays would be perfect. But when I add an element like
> $dirs = array (filemtime($d) => $d)
> the previous ones are lost. I tried array_push but that doesn't seems
> to
> work, at least I always get syntax errors. Next try was
> array_merge(array (...)). So what next?

Two files may have the same modification time.

You are storing only ONE file for any given timestamp.

You could do something like this:

foreach($files as $file){
  $dirs[filemtime($file)][] = $file;

You will then have an ARRAY for each timestamp with all the files that
were modified at that time.

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