Richard Lynch wrote:
> On Mon, April 16, 2007 5:35 pm, Tim Earl wrote:
>> What about in the following context?
>> $arr = array();
>> If (!empty($arr)) { }
>> This is where i have found it to be the most usefull...
> If I'm already certain that it's an array, I just use 'count' personally.
> 'empty' takes a mixed data type, and could return TRUE for, say, 'foo'
> even though you are expecting an array there.
> I think it's a better practice to use the "right" weapon and use
> count() on an array to see if it's empty or not.

php -r 'var_dump(count("foo"));'


so my strategy is usually

if (!empty($r) && is_array($r)) {
        // good to go.

if I know it's an array I'll definitely use empty() over count() ....
count() needs to actually count the items where as empty() can return false
as soon as it finds a singel element ... maybe I'm mistaken - if so please
put me right.

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