Short-term, you can toss an @ in front of pg_eonnect.

Also check out ini_set for error_log and friends.

After you've done it the Right Way, get rid of the @

On Sat, April 14, 2007 8:44 am, Alain Roger wrote:
> Hi,
> Today i discovered that when my host webserver has some issue with
> PostgreSQL database, my code displays the following error message :
> *"Warning*: pg_connect()
> [<>]:
> Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: could not connect to server:
> Connection refused Is the server running on host ""
> and
> accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432? in */www/xxxx.php* on line
> yyy."
> I would like instead of that, to display my own error message... in
> fact, i
> would like to display something like : "We are sorry but temporary we
> have
> some technical issues. Please try again later".
> how can i do that ?
> i tried to do :
> $conn = pg_connect($conn_string);
> if ($conn) // check if database is online
> {
>     // close database connection
>     pg_close($conn);
> }
> else
> {
>     // impossible to connect to DB
>     die('Maintenance in progress... Try later.');
> }
> but it still display the previous warning message.
> thanks for your help.
> --
> Alain
> ------------------------------------
> Windows XP SP2
> PostgreSQL 8.1.4
> Apache 2.0.58
> PHP 5

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