On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 08:36 -0500, Philip Thompson wrote:
> On Apr 22, 2007, at 1:29 AM, Richard Lynch wrote:
> > On Sun, April 22, 2007 12:54 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> -- or maybe it's just the PCRE extension
> >> -- or quite likely I have got something wrong
> >>
> >> Hello members,
> >>    I'm hoping you could enlighten me.
> >>
> >> Using error_reporting = E_ALL | E_STRICT, I tested the
> >> following statements:
> >
> > PHP interprets \\ inside of '' to turn \\ into \
> >
> > It also tries to be halfway smart about mistakes with \ followed by
> > some other non-special character, by just pretending you knew what you
> > were doing and had \\ there to get just one \, even though you didn't.
> Not that I can deny Richard's infinite knowledge of PHP (and it  
> *eating* code), but is it PHP's responsibility to determine what the  
> user has typed is (in)correct AND try to *fix* it? Shouldn't PHP just  
> assume the programmer is not a complete idiot? If there's an error/ 
> warning/etc, throw it but don't correct it.
> My $.02. Feel free to set me straight - I'm always up for learning.

It doesn't try to "fix" the code, it is just a somewhat odd case of
escaping. Singled quoted strings accept backslashes in two ways, either
escaped with a backslash or without an escaping backslash. Both of the
following are valid and produce the same string:

    echo 'Foo \ fee!'."\n";
    echo 'Foo \\ fee!'."\n";

A problem in user expectation often arises when you have a backslash
preceding a single quote. For instance:

    echo 'Foo \' fee!'."\n";

But this doesn't give you the backslash since the backslash is used to
escape the quote... and so the next step is usually to try:

    echo 'Foo \\' fee!'."\n";

But now the backslash is escaped and not the quote so we need:

    echo 'Foo \\\' fee!'."\n";

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