Edward Vermillion wrote:

On Apr 21, 2007, at 6:35 PM, Justin Frim wrote:

I've always gone by the rule that if you're making software that other people will see or use, make it clean. Sometimes I'll "cheat" and stick a @ symbol in front of a line to shut up errors and warnings for that particular line, but usually I only do that for speed optimization. (ie. if it's in a short loop that cycles many times).

Your not saving any cycles. The error handler still gets called, the error just doesn't get shown.

And '@' is just another way of ignoring an error in your program. Not really a good idea if you want to right good code.


Surely that's faster than calling isset(), declaring another variable, and executing another if() statement though, no?


function myfunction($inputdata) {
   global $myarray;
   echo "foo";
   return $myarray[$inputdata];
function yourfunction($inputdata) {
   global $yourarray;
   echo "bar";
   return $yourarray[subfunction($inputdata)];

if ((@$funcresult=myfunction($_GET['formfield']))!==false) {
//Do stuff with the data from $myarray[], after doing just a single if() comparison
if ((@$funcresult=yourfunction($_GET['formfield']))!==false) {
//Do stuff with the data from $yourarray[], after doing just one more if() comparison


function myfunction($inputdata) {
   global $myarray;
   echo "foo";
if ($inputdata!="") { return $myarray[$inputdata]; }else{ return false; }
function yourfunction($inputdata) {
   global $yourarray;
   echo "bar";
if ($inputdata!="") { return subfunction($yourarray[$inputdata]); }else{ return subfunction(false); }

if (isset($_GET['formfield'])) { $funcinput = $_GET['formfield']; }else{ $funcinput = ""; }
if ($funcresult!==false) {
//Now we can finally do stuff, after calling isset(), declaring a variable, and doing three if() comparisons
if ($funcresult!==false) {
   //Finally do more stuff, after doing two more if() comparisons

Now that's a stupid example, but, you get the idea.

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