This question is a two parter....

a) anyone else noticing filetype() failing on ISO image files?

Warning: filetype(): Lstat failed for /var/lib/samba/some/file.iso

Nope, didn't fail for me. But what exactly do you want to know about
the file? filetype only check wheter the the argument given is a fifo,
char, dir, block, link, file, or unknown.
What you're doing below with the file command is getting the content
type, there you could use the function mime_content_type, but it is
deprecated, and seems not to work always. The manual forwards you to
the fileinfo functions:
example 592 does what you're doing with the file command below.

b) I have a script that during processing will eventually call

 exec('/usr/bin/file -bi '.$file)

over 1000 times, I've added a counter and when it dies on this line it's
always after 1020 exec calls, regardless of the file name I'm feeding to
`file`.  I've reproduced this with both exec, shell_exec, system and the
backticks.  What am I missing here?

Why does it die? Is it because te max execution time reached? then you
should extend the max executon time:



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