On Tue, April 24, 2007 12:54 am, Dave M G wrote:
> I am developing a content management system, and one of the goals is
> to
> separate out the design entirely from the PHP scripting and content.

Go study all the existing big CMS systems out there.

And all the Templating engines.

Then get back to us.


> Can I somehow manipulate any of the PHP scripts involved so that the
> HTML within layout.php will look first in it's own directory for
> inclusion of files, such as CSS and javascript and anything else?

There's some kind of BASE_HREF tag for that, I guess, that you could
put some combination of $_SERVER['scriptname'] and/or $PHP_SELF or
even __FILE__ munged into it...

I kind of lost track of where your CSS is going and where your PHP is
going, but if you are using a CMS, it seems to me like you ought to be
able to let them upload the CSS and you can put it wherever you

Or maybe the designers are not using the CMS but are tossing in the
files manually?

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