Tijnema ! wrote:
On 4/27/07, Stut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tijnema ! wrote:
> On 4/27/07, Stut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Daniel Brown wrote:
>> >    Maybe the PHP site itself should be Wiki-fied so that we could
>> just go
>> > in ourselves and fix the errors.  I don't see that happening any
>> time soon
>> > though....
>> There's nothing stopping you submitting patches to the documentation
>> mailing list. As far as I know they welcome decent patches with open
>> arms. A wiki would (IMHO) lead to a general and rapid degradation in the
>> quality of the documentation.
>> -Stut
> If you can point me where to find the documentation on the CVS server,
> i might write a patch :)



Whoops, didn't realise the doc system was so huge :) I thought it was
just a few (1000 max) lines....

But well, it's a lot more, so somebody with a little bit more
experience could better do it :)

Note that you don't have to create a "patch file". If you want to contribute to the documentation, join that mailing list and start submitting changes. If you do it often enough I'm sure they'll manage to convince you that setting yourself up to submit patch files is worthwhile.


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