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Everything i've read in the documentation states to call session_start
after you have changed your necessary settings.  Do you have a working
example using session cookies I can compare this with?

Richard Lynch wrote:
> On Fri, April 27, 2007 1:37 pm, tedd wrote:
>> At 12:26 PM -0500 4/27/07, Aaron Axelsen wrote:
>>> With the following set, its still timing me out.  I logged in
>>> and waited about 40 minutes, and it was timed out by then. This
>>> is getting very confusing, what else could it be that is
>>> causing this to not work?
>>> session_name('myapp');
>>> $mytimeout = 180 * 60; // minutes * 60
>>> session_set_cookie_params($mytimeout);
>>> $sessdir = ini_get('session.save_path')."/myapp"; if
>>> (!is_dir($sessdir)) { mkdir($sessdir, 0777); }
>>> ini_set('session.save_path', $sessdir);
>>> // New Attempt session_cache_limiter();
>>> session_cache_expire($mytimeout / 60);
>>> ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $mytimeout);
>>> #ini_set('session.gc_probability',1);
>>> #ini_set('session.gc_divisor',1);
>>> session_start();
>> The above is not the order of your code, is it?
>> If so, move session_start(); to the top, namely the first line of
>>  code.
> I don't think you want to do that...
> You want all those settings to take effect BEFORE you actually
> start the session which sends out the headers.

- --
Aaron Axelsen

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