On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 06:51:35AM -0700, Robert Mena wrote:
> Hi, I have a development machine with 4.0.4pl1 which
> has been used for creating a set of scripts to access
> oracle (using stored procedures).
> It seems to be working fine (the problems that I've
> encountered seems to be related to the
> oracle/procedure itself).
> Last night I moved the scripts to the production
> server.  Eveything was working ok until I try to
> access the part the uses the oracle where it hangs for
> a while and then gives me a [notice] child pid XXXXX
> exit signal Segmentation fault (11).
> I've compiled using './configure' '--with-apxs'
> '--with-ttf' '--with-xml' '--with-gd' '--with-ftp'
> '--enable-session' '--enable-trans-sid' '--with-zlib'
> '--enable-inline-optimization'
> '--with-oci8=/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7/'
> --with-mcrypt  --enable-sigchild

    is your apache linked against -lpthread?

    please read http://www.php.net/bugs-dos-and-donts.php and
    submit a bug report (with backtrace).


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