Stut wrote:
Richard Lynch wrote:
On Wed, May 2, 2007 4:55 am, Lester Caine wrote:
Fredrik Thunberg wrote:
Lester Caine skrev:
Can someone with a few more working grey cells prompt me with the
correct command to split a string.

The entered data is names, but I need to split the text up to the
first space or comma into one string, and the rest of the string
a second. It's the 'first either space or comma' that eludes me at
moment :(

In know it's probably obvious, but it always is when you know the
$myString = "John Doe";

$pos = strpos($myString, " ") < strpos($myString, ",") ?
strpos($myString, " ") : strpos($myString, ",");

$part1 = substr($myString, 0, $pos);
$part2 = substr($myString, $pos);
I'm glad I asked now, that is a lot nicer than trying to get the
thing working :)

Hnmmm.  Okay, I'll take a shot at it:

$answer = preg_split('|[, ]|', $myString);

Will give more than 2 parts for strings containing both or multiples.

Now please irradiate your hands.


This should work for you.
$myString = "Here is my first, attempt!";
$answer = preg_split('|[, ]|', $myString, 2);


Jim Lucas

Different eyes see different things. Different hearts beat on different strings. But there are times for you and me when all such things agree.

- Rush

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