Em Segunda 07 Maio 2007 08:12, Jason Paschal escreveu:
> I use this setup locally for testing/playing.  I recently installed the
> latest and greatest of the AMP collection.
> Apache 2.2.4
> PHP 5.2.2
> MySQL 5.0.37
> Apache and PHP work fine together, but I wanted to hook it up to a local
> test database, so  I installed MySQL.
> In php.ini, i have:
> ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
> extension_dir = "C:\PHP"
> i made sure that i moved the dll to that folder, just like i did with the
> gd dll.
> And then i uncommented this line:
> extension=php_mysql.dll
> I restarted Apache, and ran a simple test script:
> <?php
> ini_set("display_errors","1");
> $cn = mysql_connect("localhost","root","password");
> ?>
> and I get the error:
> *Fatal error*: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()
> any ideas?

First: have you tried mysql-cli?
Second: have you take a look at phpinfo()?


Davi Vidal
"Religion, ideology, resources, land,
spite, love or "just because"...
No matter how pathetic the reason,
it's enough to start a war. "

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