On May 9, 2007, at 8:04 AM, Emil Edeholt wrote:


What do you guys use to develop ajax applications and do you have any good articles on the subject?

I've just about finished an ajaxish site but it wasn't fun. A lot of nesting javascript inside php calls, having to write the logic both in javascript and php and so on. The source looks ugly and was time consuming to debug.


Anything involving javascript development has several built in debugging facilities 1: Alert dialogs: You may find it a chore to learn how to use them effectively. But the current content of any variable can be displayed with an alert dialog. You have to pay attention to how strings are concatenated; with +, The actual
   variable name cannot be quoted.
2: Browser error reporting, in Netscape species, javascript console. Take a hint, all source code text should be formated for Unix/Linux ( line feed line endings) If you do scripting on a Classic Mac OS <= OS9, the line endings are carriage;
    and Windows uses both carriage return and line feed.
return. You will drive your self crazy cussing the console because it will not refer
    to lines containing syntax errors, but some disrelated lines.
3. View source window in browser to see exactly what the browser is getting on
    page load.
4. Forms: I have coded special forms just for the sake of development and debug of javascript apps. All globals are visible through out the script, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SOME THAT ARE DEFINED IN SOURCED JS FILES; Opening a javascript window is in a function does not seem to register if the function is in a sourced file. 5. Patience, patience, patience, some masochism, Several large available paper back text books. No one will describe all you might need to know about issues like rollovers, DHTML, etc, Imagination and ingenuity, or the will to search and sift through others source code until you find what you are looking for, and then making it work for you. That's it, I have some suggestion that there are systems available for javascript but I
  have done without long enough to have my methods and approaches.
One more thing, php and javascript work very well together. I have even written a function to display php variable values as javascript alert dialogs. It will not function as break points for php like it does with javascript, but at least you do not have to
decipher php error smeared all over the screen.
And Ajax, even though I have not cracked that particular aspect of javascript as yet,
looks very worthwhile.
Jeff K

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