Hello. I've confirmed this problem on my gentoo linux box and using Xampp on 

============= apache log =============================================
  [Mon May 28 20:38:47 2007] [notice] child pid 16577 exit signal Aborted (6)
  *** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/apache2: free(): invalid next size (fast): 
0x082b4d28 ***
  ======= Backtrace: =========
  ======= Memory map: ========
  08048000-080a0000 r-xp 00000000 03:07 1310985    /usr/sbin/apache2
  080a0000-080a3000 rw-p 00058000 03:07 1310985    /usr/sbin/apache2
  080a3000-08349000 rw-p 080a3000 00:00 0          [heap]
  b6d00000-b6d21000 rw-p b6d00000 00:00 0 
=============  =======================================================

My code snippets

1) lib_marc\trunk\pages\Page.php|12 col 14|
        protected $pageContentObjects = array();

2) lib_marc\trunk\pages\Page.php|19 col 13|
        $this->pageContentObjects[] = $pageContent;

[ 3) lib_marc\trunk\pages\Page.php|55 col 73|
        $p = A::merge_ignore_null_array( U::collect('urlParameters', 
$this->pageContentObjects) ); ]

4) lib_marc\trunk\pages\XHTMLPage.php|21 col 21|
        foreach( $this->pageContentObjects as $pc){

1)  this is the declaration
2)  another object is added. when commenting this line out there is no problem 
at all.
[3)  doesn't matter]
4)  This is foreach loop is causing the trouble even if the loop has an empty 
body ( foreach (...)  {} )
    But I can run vardump on it and it shows the item having been added
    by 2)

So how can this foreach loop make PHP causing a stack violation?

Any ideas?

You can get the full source code here:
wget http://mawercer.de/marcweber/da.zip
(I'll remove the link again in some days)

I'm using PDO and mysql. The database configuration options can be found in 
Everything should be done automatically. (It does create a class location cache
to autoload them and it creates a file containing database metainformation to
execute type safe data queries.(MPDO.php) If you like it keep and use it and 
drop me a mail telling so ;)

Main entry point is index.php of course.
You need to click on link "Kunden" or use 
to get this error.
I did use PHP 5.2.2 and mod_php (apache) I didn't try cgi.


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