On Wed, May 30, 2007 9:19 am, Tijnema wrote:
> Maybe quite strange question and quite off topic, but there's PHP
> involved :)
> I want to read out files, and then I come across 4byte DWORD values,
> they are stored in little endian values, but how do I get in a PHP
> string (as the values are too large for integer)
> My code is currently this:
> $data = fread($fp,4);
> $value =
> (ord(substr($data,3,1))*256*256*256)+(ord(substr($data,2,1))*256*256)+(ord(substr($data,1,1))*256)+(ord(substr($data,0,1)));
> and now $value contains the value of the DWORD, it works fine, but it
> seems that it could be done a lot easier :)
> Anyone experience with it?

Easiest might be to read one byte at a time...

$byte0 = fread($fp, 1);
$byte1 = fread($fp, 1);
$byte2 = fread($fp, 1);
$byte3 = fread($fp, 1);
$value = $byte3 * 0xffffff + $byte2 * 0xffff + $byte1 * 0xff + $byte0;

If that makes fread too slow, which it might, but buffering should be
able to handle 4 bytes...

You could also do:
$byte0 = 0xff000000 & $data;
$byte1 = 0x00ff0000 & $data;
$byte2 = 0x0000ff00 & $data;
$byte3 = 0x000000ff & $data;
//same $value line as above

As far as shifting goes...  I *think* this would do it:

$byte3 = $data >> 24;
$byte2 = ($data >> 16) & 0xff;
$byte1 = ($data >> 8) & 0xff;
$byte0 = $data & 0xff;

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