kvigor wrote:
$insert_query = "INSERT INTO contestants (conName, conAddress, conCity, conState,

conZip, conPhone, schName, schAddress, schCity, schState, schZip, strName, strCity,

strState) VALUES('$regName', '$regAddress', '$regCity', '$regState', '$regZip',

'$regPhone', '$sclName', '$sclName', '$sclCity', '$sclState', '$sclZip', '$stoName',

'$stoCity', '$stoState')";

mysqli_query($connection,$insert_query); ?>

1) You need to use mysqli_real_escape_string on the vars you're putting into the SQL statement.

2) You need to check the return value from mysqli_query to see if the query failed. If it is failing I'm guessing actioning suggestion 1 might help.


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