On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 11:07 -0400, tedd wrote:
> At 10:48 AM -0400 6/5/07, Robert Cummings wrote:
> >On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 16:29 +0200, Zoltán Németh wrote:
> >>
> >>  I agree with the above idea. Errors should be logged (and possibly sent
> >>  in notification mail to the developer or something like that), not
> >>  displayed to the outside world, as they can expose sensitive information
> >>  about your setup.
> >
> >It however convenient to have errors displayed on the page when doing
> >development. Since I like as many config settings as possible to be
> >attached to the project itself I usually keep at least 3 config files:
> >
> >     PROJECT/
> >         configs/
> >             config.live.php
> >             config.dev.php
> >             config.shared.php
> >
> >So config.live and config.dev both include config.shared but set any
> >live or dev specific settings outside of the shared config. Then on any
> >given dev or live server I create a softlink config.php in PROJECT/ that
> >points to either config.live.php or config.dev.php. This way all the
> >configs can live in CVS and they don't step on each other's toes :)
> Just a thought -- wouldn't a simpler solution be 
> just using a global session variable, or 
> constant, such as $production = true or false and 
> then including your error routines accordingly?

Yeah, that's in my config file ;) But, for clarity's sake I more often
than not separate my dev and live configs. Then if I want to compare
them I can use the diff command to see what's different between them.

Can't say I ever use the session since it could only apply after some
kind of authentication and not all pages require authentication.

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