> My company has a RH ES4 web server running apache/2.2.2 and PHP 5.1.4.
> Our PHP programmer has developed quite a few PHP email forms and each
> time an email is sent, the FROM: address is
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't know if this is a PHP
> problem or apache problem (or even a sendmail problem for that matter)
> so I am asking both lists for help. I have tried lookup up apache docs
> and PHP docs to alter the FROM: address to no avail. No matter what I
> and my programmer try in PHP or apache the from address stays coming
> from the user apache runs as @webserver.domain.com (obviously I mean
> the FQDN of the server). We would like to be able to alter the FROM:
> address per form as we should be able to do in PHP. If there is a PHP
> fix for this any help would be appreciated. If this is definitely NOT
> a PHP problem, please let me know and I will move on from there. Thank
> you.

You will need to set the From: header.  I use the awesome phpmailer class
that makes sending complex emails really easy.



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