2007. 06. 13, szerda keltezéssel 14.13-kor Richard Davey ezt írta:
> Hi all,
> Can anyone think of a more elegant way of achieving the following?
> <?php
> $flags = array();
> if ($allow_fraction)
> {
> }
> if ($allow_thousand)
> {
> }
> if ($allow_scientific)
> {
> }
> if (count($flags) > 0)
> {

$tmp = FALSE;
foreach ($flags as $flag) {
        $tmp = $tmp | $flag;
$filter['flags'] = $tmp;

Zoltán Németh

>     $c = '$c = ' . implode('|', $flags) . ';';
>     eval($c);
>     $filter['flags'] = $c;
> }
> ?>
> The code checks for 3 booleans ($allow_fraction, etc) and if true it
> adds the const to the $flags array. At the end each value in the array
> is joined together into a string (the implode part), which would give
> something like: 4096|8192 - but I then need to return the actual value
> from this operation, so I'm eval'ing it.
> I don't like using eval, so can anyone think of a better way to do
> this? All I need as an end result if the product of the bitwise
> operation (i.e. an integer) stored in $filter['flags']
> Cheers,
> Rich
> -- 
> Zend Certified Engineer
> http://www.corephp.co.uk
> "Never trust a computer you can't throw out of a window"

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