On Wed, June 13, 2007 1:09 pm, Daniel Brown wrote:
>     Is that a fact, Richard?  It was always my understanding that the
> raw connection to the SMTP server initiated by the PHP mail()
> functions and Sendmail required the \r\n separator for every field
> other than SUBJECT (included in the DATA part of the message body).

I don't think PHP just spits out your mail() bits to SMTP raw and

It assembles the headers (and Subject), de-constructs the $to and
$from to give FROM: and RCPT TO: (or whatever it is) valid email
(only) addresses without the name parts and so on.

But I don't use SMTP, only sendmail, so maybe PHP does *not* do all
that on the SMTP version...

It for sure does it in the sendmail version, at least according to
Rasmus Lerforf about a decade ago on this list, when *I* posted a
similar question. :-)

>     And it's my opinion, of course, but any SPAM filter that would
> require a reply-to header is done in bad form.  It should certainly
> require X-Mailer, but what good is a spoof-able reply-to header if the
> from header is already in place, real or unreal?

It doesn't require it, but you lose points for not having it, same as
you lose points for HTML Enhanced (cough, cough) email, and you lose
points for X-Mailer of known spam-tools, and you lose points for
having an email-only From: without something that looks like a name,
and you lose points for having various w0rds in your email and...

Having a Reply-to: to not lose that one point could be a tipping point
to get your message out of some recipients' spam box and into their

Any spammer could, with effort, make their spam look less like spam.

Some even go to extreme lengths to do so. :-)

But if you don't believe me, do feel free to spend less time trying it
on your server with email to yourself than it took either of us to
post here. :-)

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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