On Sun, 2007-06-17 at 13:53 -0400, Robert Cummings wrote:
> I believe there are profiling tools... probably from Zend. How big is

I prefer using XDEBUG, which is totally free. You can install it from
the pecl repositories: pecl install xdebug

Then, you simply install it as an extension on your development machine,
and execute your scripts. A really nice feature of xdebug is that not
only does it give you detailed stack traces and things when stuff goes
wrong, but you can also do really excellent (and graphical) profiling in
combination with cachegrind (I use KCacheGrind on Ubuntu), which uses
GraphViz to make very interesting graphs of what your code is doing.

If you would like a more detailed HOWTO, please let me know, and I will
write up something for you.


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