On 6/18/07, Daniel Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/18/07, Tijnema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, but if you pay $10K for you study, and you get $1K extra each
> year, you need to work 10 years to get your money back, and I didn't
> even count the costs of your valuable time...

   Ten thousand dollars for a college degree?  Where the hell is that school?!?

   When I was in college, I paid more than that per year, and it
wasn't even /that/ good of a school!

Daniel P. Brown

Well, here in the Netherlands, I'm not totally sure about the prices
but in € it's about the price we pay...
Government pays the rest.. :)
IIRC, it was €2.5K for the college itself, and €1K for studying books
each year, well, nearly all studies are four year here, so that means
about €14K total.
Close to €10k ;), but let me correct it, it's nearly $19K.
So that means working 19 years :P, or get $2K extra each year :)


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