CC Zona wrote:

> Can you give an example of code in which you'd be doing this?

Ok here is what I am trying to acheive, basically turning a php array 
into a javascript array, note this is untested and most likley won't 
work :-)

Where $array_name I need the same name as the functions first and only 
argument $array, so I need the name of the array that has been passed to 
the function.


function makeJSArray($array) {

       $out = "$array_name = new Array(";

       $size = sizeof($array);
       $i = 0;
       while ( list($key, $val) = each($array) ) {

       $out .= "$array_name[$key] = $val";

       if ($size != $i - 1)
       $out .= ",";

       $out .= ");";
       return $out;




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