On 6/23/07, elk dolk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi all,
>   When I test my photo album in my IIS testing server relative path in the 
> following
>   code works fine :

>    echo "<div class='cccc'><img src='/img/{$photoFileName}' width='120' 
> height='160'
     border='0' /></div> ";

>    but when I upload it to the web server I don't see my photos, my  /home 
> directory on
>    the web server contains

>    public_ftp and public_html where my web site is stored I modify the path 
> to this :

>    echo "<div class='cccc'><img src='/home/public_html/img/{$photoFileName}'
>    width='120' height='160' border='0' /></div> ";
>    it doesn't function

>    please comment
 /home/..... is the path on your filesystem, not the path you should
use in your URL.
The code you used on your IIS testing server should work fine.
no it does not work !

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