On 6/25/07, Tijnema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/25/07, Eric Butera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been trying to figure out a way to do this all day and I'm afraid
> I might need a bit of help.  Basically I am trying to port over
> something from Java to PHP and I'm stuck on one particular piece of
> code:
> if ((ba[i + 0] == (byte)0xa7) && (ba[i + 1] == (byte)0x51)) {
> The code is looping through a byte array and checking if the current
> value matches "(byte)0xa7", etc.  If there is a match, then it breaks
> and returns the value of i.  There are quite a few more values than
> this in the conditional, but I figure this is enough to get the point
> across.  My problem is I'm not exactly sure what the value of
> (byte)0xa7 is.
> I tried
> $buffer = file_get_contents('Dining_Room.rti');
> $count = strlen($buffer);
> for ($x=0; $x < $count; $x++) {
>        $char = substr($buffer, $x, 1);
>        echo $char;
>        if ($char == 0xa7 && $char == 0x51) {
>           return $x;
>        }
> }
> but it never matches.  Any pointers?

$char contains a token at the point, and you can't compare that with a
hex value AFAIK.
You could use ord[1] to get the ASCII value of $char, and compare it
with the decimal value of 0xA7(167) and 0x51(81).


[1] http://www.php.net/ord

Vote for PHP Color Coding in Gmail! -> http://gpcc.tijnema.info


I've tried building up a variable with ord called on each value as I
append it.  When this is built I cannot find the sequence 167 81, etc
in it.

I've also tried using bin2hex on the entire buffer and checking for a7
51 to no avail.

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