admin wrote:
> Jochem Maas wrote:
>> another solution for the OP might be (although I think it goes against
>> all
>> design principles):
>> class A {
>>   function foo() {
>>     echo "achoo\n";
>>   }
>> }
>> class B extends A {
>>   function foo() {
>>     echo "cough\n";
>>   }
>>   function __call($meth, $args) {
>>     $func = array(parent, strtolower(str_replace("parent","", $meth)));
>>     if (is_callable($func))
>>       return call_user_func_array($func, $args);
>>   }
>> }
>> $b = new B;
>> $b->foo();
>> $b->parentFoo();
> Barring the s/parent/get_parent_class/ the idea is really really cute,
> thanks. Beautiful. Heck, maybe I'll even hack the code to do it like
> that... after some grace period.

sure it might be a neat little hack - __call() can be used for alsorts
of wonderful madness but do note it can become a maintainance and/or
documentation nightmare ... not to mention that it doesn't work with code
completion in any editor I know.

and having read what you wrote about Propel/Symphony I still don't
get what the problem is that your trying to solve ... although I suspect
that your probably suffering from a lack of late static binding
(which, if we had it, could be used to minimize alot of repetitive boiler
plate code in [for instance] 'data object' classes that extend a common
base ... then again I may be wrong :-)

[Do not get me started on LSB - I've been moaning about it since 5.0RC3]

> P.S.: I thought calling array('classname', 'method') only worked for
> static methods? It turns out there's an implied $this being passed around?

the 'callback' type has a number of forms:

array('className', 'myMeth')
array(self, 'myMeth')
array(parent, 'myMeth')
array($object, 'myMeth')

self and parent adhere to the same 'context' rules when used in 
as when you use them directly - whether $this is present within the scope of the
called method is essentially down to whether the method being called is defined 
static or not. AFAIK call_user_func*() respects PPP modifiers and works 
with regard to access to the relevant object variable ($this)


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