On Sat, June 30, 2007 12:04 pm, jekillen wrote:
> Hello;
> I have the following  code:
> $prps = str_replace("\n", ' ', $input[3]);
>   $request = str_replace("// var purpose = {} ;\n", "var purpose =
> '$prps';\n", $request);
> In the first line $input[3] is a string formatted with new lines at
> the
> end of each line.
> It is to be used to initialize a javascript variable (in the second
> line above), in an html file
> template.
> When the html file is generated from the template, the javascript
> written to it fails
> with unterminated string literal error message.
> When opening a view source window, the 'var purpose...' line does have
> the string
> broken up with extra spaces at the beginning of each line. This
> indicates that
> the new line was not replaced with the space. The space was merely
> added after
> the new line.
> How do you replace a new line with php in a case like this?

I don't know what you think you did, but I know that what you are
saying about "\n" not actually getting replaced is wrong...

> Testing this is very tedious. Each time I have to go through and undo
> file modifications that this function performs in addition to the
> above.
> So it is not just a case of making a change and reloading the file
> and rerunning it.

COPY the file "before" the mods, and just copy it back after.

Or change your code to just output what it's doing and not overwrite
the file for development.


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